Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Psychological Theories on Organisational Work Conditions

Psychological Theories on Organisational Work Conditions A) Describe what psychologists have discovered about organisational work conditions. Psychologists have spent many years trying to prove or disprove the fact that organisation in the work place effects the productivity of the employees. That is to say, if work conditions such as lighting, temperature, noise and vibration do indeed affect the level to which the employees subjected to these issues work. It is proven that the correct lighting will aid a worker in producing a higher level or productivity without tiring so easily. High or low temperature extremes will lower concentration and affect the ability of the worker to continue effective production. High noise levels will detract the workers attention and may cause headaches and other physical ailments which disallow continuing success in the work place. Vibration clearly affects the work of someone needing a steady hand with these things in mind we can see with little doubt that without moderation and organisation work conditions can deteriorate at a vast pace. Work tedium and lack of motivation can be caused by bad management. B) Evaluate what psychologists have discovered about organisational work conditions. Let us first address the issue of lighting. Lighting in any instance is a highly reactive thing. In a nightclub or in a romantic setting the lighting is always dim and soft to increase the confidence of the persons involved. Why then, should this be any different in a work place? It is patently obvious that light too dim can cause someone to strain their eyes, not only meaning that they need put in more effort to gain the same results, but they may also result in physical ailments such as headaches and migraines, therefore leading to a great decrease in productivity. Light too bright and harsh can be intrusive, it can affect the workers morale, making them feel on display, and under interrogation, promoting nervousness and strain, thereby affecting the productivity of their work. Temperature is a particularly important factor of the work place. If people feel cold, they are using energy to try and warm themselves, energy that could be used in other ways. If someone is too hot, they become lethargic and listless, making them unable to apply themselves in a devoted manner to any task. Both extremes are damaging to the work place, not only do they create these physical manifestations but they also affect the mood of a worker. Someone knowing that they will be cold all day at work will eventually become unwilling to enter the work place, fearing for yet another day of shivering. Someone knowing that their work place is far too hot will also eventually become unwilling to enter the work place, they can become dehydrated and snappy, irritable with other work mates and generally spreading an unhealthy work atmosphere. High noise levels can be damaging to concentration. Whilst many people enjoy working with the background noise of some music, it is proven to be detrimental to work productivity levels if noise gets too loud. The brain will inevitably find itself split between two tasks that of the work, and that of listening to the noise, and this inevitably detracts from the quality of the work being produced. At the same time, silence or practically no noise in the work place can cause workers to become self-conscious and nervous, also not advantageous to high quality work. Vibration caused by any number of things machines in the office / warehouse where someone works, traffic outside on the street or even faulty plumbing, clearly affects the work of someone needing a steady hand. Not only is this damaging for the quality of the work, but it can also cause health problems in the long term, resulting in back pain and migraines. Bad management such as over delegation or lack of rotation between tasks can cause tedium and boredom in the work place resulting in a lack of motivation to complete the work set, and eventually a higher level of absentees as people decide that going into work is just too tedious and they begin to take ‘sick days’. C) Giving reasons for your answer, suggest how work conditions and schedules may be organised to reduce their negative effects. Most of the above issues can be monitored and regulated through good organisational management. An alert and active manager is required to motivationally ensure that his work team are in the appropriate surroundings to optimise work capacity through conditions. This will alter from work place to work place, for instance, in an office, it is appropriate to have overhead lighting that is not too intrusive and then offer the workers desk lights so that they can monitor their own lighting for their own personal comfort and therefore productivity. Offices should be kept on the warm side rather than the cool side, because staff are generally stationary and this can cause bad circulation. Sitting in the same place all day can cause coldness and effective heating which can be monitored simply is a good solution. This way the staff can operate a consensus and alter the heating if they feel the need to. The noise level should be kept at a constructive rate enough to encourage movement and act ion without negating maximum concentration. Staff should not feel self conscious on the phone or when talking because there is only silence, but loud music or television are obviously not appropriate in this case, as they would clearly detract from the workers ability to give full concentration to the business in hand. Computers should be monitored so that sound is usually turned off unless necessary so that the rest of the workers are not subjected to each computer making different noises all through the day. If the job in question is more physical, say in a warehouse, then these things may be altered. Louder music may encourage faster movement and higher activity levels, lower temperatures will be necessary because the work is more physical and worker will heat more quickly, lighting may need to be more stringent in order to avoid tripping or any accidents. Vibration in any work place is not beneficial, it will make anything involving your hands harder and most jobs do involve ta ctility. It can cause physical and bodily harm and pain and no work place wishes to subject this on its workers. Maximum attention should be given to ensure that no-one is in the situation where they are subjected to constant vibration. Lastly, this should all be overseen by a manager who has the foresight to allow for all these things, and the personal tastes of his team. He should allow change and varied job delegation in order to avoid boredom and tedium, this will give his staff a pleasant and comfortable environment in which to offer his staff diverse activities, keeping them motivated, happy and relaxed.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Religion, Creation Stories, and Creation Myths Essay -- Theology Relig

Religion, Creation Stories, and Creation Myths One of the fundamental questions that religions seek to answer is that of origin. How was man put on earth? Why and from what was he created? Who created him? What does his creation imply about the status of human beings? Some or all of these questions are answered by a religion’s creation stories. Every religion’s creation myths attempt to give solutions to problems present to that religious society. Because of this, each religion may have one or more creation stories, each of those different from one another in the questions they ask and the answers they give. Genesis In the Western world, the most well-known creation story is in Genesis (Myth A), in the Old Testament of the Bible. Surprisingly, even the Bible does not relate only a single account of Creation. In the book of Genesis itself, one can find two versions of the Creation of the world that are similar in idea, but different in content and detail. The story in Genesis I claims that God created the world and everything comprising it in six days. On the first day, God created Day and Night. Next came Sky, then Earth, and then Stars and Sun on the fourth. The fifth day was used to create water and sky dwelling creatures, and finally, on the sixth day, God created all the animals of Earth, finishing with mankind. In this version of the creation story, God created man and woman together, on the sixth day. The seventh day was Sabbath, saved for rest. However, another version of Creation exists in Genesis II, which relates the more popular story of Adam and Eve. Genesis II starts by telling how God rested on the seventh day and then goes into elaboration of the creation of mankind. This seems to imply ... ...telligent species in the universe. We cannot possibly fathom what plan this higher power has, or even if a plan exists, and any attempts to do so would be futile. Instead, we must live this life doing what we believe to be true and right, ideas we ourselves created and so only we can live by. Works Cited Deussen, Paul. The Philosophy of the Upanishads. New York: Dover Punblications, 1966. Eliade, Mircea. Essential Sacred Writings from Around the World. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1967 Freund, Philip. Myths of Creation. New York: Washington Square Press, 1965. Heidel, Alexander. The Babylonian Genesis. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954. The Holy Bible. King James Version. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 2000. The Rig Veda: An Anthology. Betty Radice, ed. London: Penquin Books, Ltd, 1981.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Pedro Parama time line Essay

Juan Preciado came to look for Pedro Paramo after Dolores Preciado’s death. 4-7 Preciado follows the man who claimes to be Pedro Paramo’s son too. The man tells Juan that Pedro had died. 9 The man he followed, named Abundio, suggests Preciado to go see Eduviges   Meets Eduviges Dyada   Juan Preciado lodges at Eduviges’s. Talkes about Dolores and goes to sleep. Pedro Paramo is thinking about Susana. Family is praying for Grandfather’s death and is poor after the burial. Preciado awakes and finds out from Eduviges that Abundio had died already. Eduviges talkes about Dolores and her marriage to Pedro  Ã‚  Susana has left the town. Pedro Paramo longs for her. ‘The day you went away I knew I would never see you again’ 21-23 Eduviges talkes about Miguel’s death and his ghost visiting her. ‘Have you ever heard the moan of a dead man? ‘ 23-24 Pedro’s mother’s ghost comes to inform about his father’s death ‘And you mother? Who killed you? ‘ 25-30 Father Renteria does not want to pray for Miguel’s death. However, he needs financial support from Pedro Paramo. 30-32 Marie Dyada wants Father Renteria to save Eduviges Dyada who died of sorrow. Father Renteria refused since they are poor. ‘Let’s leave things as they are. Let us put our hope in God’ 32-33 Juan meets Damiana Cisneros from Media Luna. ‘No sound: not even of my breathing or the beating of my heart. ‘ discussion 1 37-38 Lucas tells Fulgor that Pedro was a disappointment. 34-37 Pedro’s family owes money, especially to the Preciado women. Pedro decides to marry Dolores Preciado to clear the debts. 38-41 Dolores agrees to the wedding. Pedro wants Fulgor Sedano to file Toribio Aldrete for falsifying boundaries   Fulgor Sedano took care of Toribio Aldrete’s boundary problem. 41-43 Preciado realizes Damiana Cisnero wasn’t alive Preciado hears two women talking about Pedro. Toribio Aldrete talks to his brother in law about the land. 45-46 Miguel Paramo is planning to elope with Chona, his lover. Discussion 2Juan realizes the sounds aren’t real and meet a man and woman The woman and her brother Donis live in sin and her face looks diseased. Man comes back and promises to lead him away the next day. A woman comes in while the two are out and scares Preciado. The two comes back and calms Preciado down. He awakes beside the woman, Donis is gone; Preciado goes out Preciado hears his mother talking to him. 57-58 Juan wakes up from the heat and goes outside, then falls unconscious. ‘There was no air; only the dead. ‘ Meets Dorotea and tells her what happened to himself. Dorotea talkes about herself and her delusion of a son.   Fulgor Sedano criticizes Miguel’s actions. Pedro is being overly protective of Miguel. 65-66 Juan Preciado & Dorotea talke about the sky. â€Å"The sky is so high and my eyes so clouded that I was happy just knowing where the ground was. † 66-68 Pedro is informed by Fulgor regarding Miguel’s death. â€Å"He felt no sorrow. â€Å"Night when Miguel died, Father Renteria recounts Miguel and Pedro, leads him to think about his confession to a fellow priest. 75-78 Narrated by Susana about her mother and Justina. 78-81 Juan hears Susana’s voice and learns that Susana’s mother died when she was born. Dorotea tells him how Pedro adored Susanna. 81-82 Fulgor Sedano informs Pedro about Susana’s return.   Narrated by Pedro Paramo, expressing joy at Susana’s return. ‘I felt that the heavens were parting’   Susana and her father quarrel about Susana ‘s decision to be with Pedro Paramo. 85 Pedro arranges to let Susana’s father, Bartelome, ‘disappear’ in the mine. 86-89 Indians from Apango visit Comala. Chapter explores Justina and Susana’s relationship. Susana is informed of Bartelome’s death and reminisces about her childhood of mistreatment by Bartolome. 91-93 Father Renteria consoles Susana about Florencio, her husband’s death. Susana: ‘why do you come see me, when you are dead’ *discussion 3* 93-95 El Tartamudo tells Pedro about the death of Fulgor Sedano. Pedro does not react and thinks about Susana instead. â€Å"But what world was Susana San Juan living in? † 95-96 Juan and Dorotea converse about the sea. â€Å"And the next morning, I was again in the sea, purifying myself. Giving myself to the waves. † Pedro Paramo provides the rebels with men and money for them to rebel against government. 99-100 Juan and Dorotea hear Susana’s murmurs about a dead man, possibly Florencio. 100-101 Susana pines over Florencio’s death. Pedro tries to console her but did not know how. 101-104 Gerardo Trujillo, Pedro’s lawyer, leaves after the fight between the rebels and Villistas, but comes back demanding more money. 105-107 Damiana Cisneros refused to let Pedro in from Margarita’s. She is aware of the revolutionaries 107-108 Damasio describes state of the war to Pedro and demands money 109-111 Susana and Justina converse about sins. â€Å"I only believe in hell† Two old women talk about Susana and the fact that she should confess before she dies. Susana dies. â€Å"He sheltered me in his arms. He gave me love. â€Å"discussion 4 People of Comala ignore Susana’s death due to festivities. Pedro swears to wreak vengeance on Comala. ‘†I will cross my arms and Comala will die of hunger. † And that was what happened. ‘ 117 Pedro orders El Ticuate to help the government 117-118 Pedro longes for Susana to come back Abundio, illegitimate son of Pedro, comes back to village to ask for money for his wife’s burial. Pedro rejects and is wounded.   Pedro Paramo dies.Discussions: 1. At this point, is this enough of an evidence to say that Juan Preciado has already died? If not, at what point of the novel do you think that Juan Preciado becomes one of the deceased? 2. Do you agree that the man here is referred to as Miguel instead of someone else? If there were other possibilities, then who and why? 3. Did Father Renteria die at this point? Or was Susana who died? Why did Father Renteria appear alive later on? 4. Is Susana referring to God or Florencio? Why do you think so and base on what evidences?

Friday, January 3, 2020

Should Sex Education Be Taught Abstinence Only Education

Sexual education in schools has become a highly controversial topic over the past few years. Some people believe students should be taught abstinence-only education, while others believe students need the full on â€Å"sex talk†. While the sex education controversy may seem silly, it is very important that students receive the most efficient education possible. When it comes to education parents want their children to receive the most effective kind. This is also very true in terms of sex education. Sex education is very debatable right now as to whether students should be taught abstinence-only education or comprehensive sex education. Sexual education is a highly debatable topic, but many believe the information taught to students should be abstinence-only. Abstinence-only education has been put in place in order to educate students about the social, mental, and physical benefits of resisting from all sexual activity. It emphasizes the unsafe impacts of participating in sex ual activity before marriage and having casual sex. It also promotes the idea that sexual abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. Abstinence education only permits the discussion of contraception and condoms in terms of failure in order to utterly discourage casual sex (Wilgoren, 1). Along with teaching the physical dangers of sex, abstinence education also teaches the mental dangers of sex (Abstinence-Only Education, 1). Sex has many risks and dangers that are notShow MoreRelatedAbstinence Only Programs For Public Schools1383 Words   |  6 Pagesadvocatesforyouth.org, â€Å"abstinence only education teaches students to abstain from sex prior to marriage.† These program has been proven to be ineffective. Abstinence only education is ineffective because it is not conducive in reducing teen pregnancy rates and sexually transmitted diseases rates. Abstinence only programs are less likely to teach students about birth control and contra ception and how to access it. These programs has not been shown to reduce teen sexual activity. Abstinence only programs becameRead MoreKirsten Spears. Mrs. Hohl/4. English 112. Classical Argument.1404 Words   |  6 PagesArgument 9 March 2017 Sex Education: Is Abstinence Really the Only Option? Sex education for American youth has been a topic of discussion across the nation since the early 1980s. Teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease are two major problems throughout the U.S.. Sexually transmitted infections have been an ongoing problem for American people since World War I. To combat the growing teen pregnancy and STI rates, the U.S. established organized sex education. Since sex education has been integratedRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?1553 Words   |  7 Pageschildren get the proper education they need so they are aware and are able to protect themselves. The way sex education should be taught is debated among parents, educators, religious groups, and society. Some people believe in abstinence only curriculum while others believe a comprehensive curriculum is more effective. Values, beliefs, and funds can affect how students are being taught. It is important that we pick a curriculum that works best for the students. Sex education can vary in what theyRead MoreAbstinence And Comprehensive Sex Education999 Words   |  4 PagesI lean towards the abstinence side of the argument between abstinence and comprehensive sex education because of my religious beliefs. Although I feel abstinence should be the focus of sex education, I think it is important to teach young people a balance to protect themselves. While researching this topic, it seems that many of the articles have the same idea to teach abstinence along with safe sex which would be comprehensive sex ed. With the rising sexual transmitted diseases and pregnanciesRead MoreComprehensive, the Right Approach to Sex Education989 Words   |  4 PagesRight Approach to Sex Education Since the first sex education video, Human Growth was shown in public schools in the 1940s, sex education in school has remained a controversial subject (Bellafante 9.1). In the present however, it is no longer disputed whether or not sex-ed should be taught, but what should be taught in a sex education program. Conservatives and Liberals both agree that sex education in public schools is important but, their views on what should be taught differ dramaticallyRead MoreThe System Of Sex Education Essay1034 Words   |  5 PagesSystem of Sex Education Abstinence education should be a part of sex education in schools because it is the best way to avoid the risks of unsafe sex. Children are only taught how to have sex, and they believe the pullout method is effective. Some children are not ready for sex, but they do it anyway because they are not told to wait. Abstinence should be taught as part of sex education because sexual transmitted disease, teen pregnancy, and abortion rates would decrease. Sex education in schoolsRead MoreSex Education Is An Important, Emotional And Controversial1645 Words   |  7 PagesSex education is an important, emotional and controversial topic to teach youth in today’s world. The question is, what is the best information, and the best way to teach them? Comprehensive sex education is teaching teens how to practice safe sex, providing teens with types of protection, and how to use it, as well as services and resources available to help them in making decisions to practice safe sex. Abstinence-only programs teach teens to not have sex, or anything â€Å"arousing† until marriageRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education948 Words   |  4 Pageslast year only 34 out of 1,000 teen females gave birth which it the lowest since 1946. The reason behind this decline is comprehensive sex education taught in schools. One the other hand, the opponents believe that the reason for this decline is the sex education classes that teach about not having sex. Even when most schools are teaching abstinences only sex education about sixty-six percent of high school students says they are sexually active. Which concludes that the abstinences only sex educationRead MoreSex Education Programs1177 Words   |  5 PagesSex education programs were created to reduce the number of teen pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS. For a long time there has been a debate over which sex education method, comprehensive or abstinence only, should be taught to adolescents. Comprehensive sex education is an approach that â€Å"advocates giving teens age-appropriate instruction concerning birth control methods, safe sex, and differing sexual orientations† (Kelly, 2011, p. 153). This method may encourage abstinenceRead More Sex Education Essay1112 Words   |  5 PagesSex Education Two drastic Emergency Room cases were handled in 1998 at Mary Washington Hospital. Concerned mothers brought their 12 year old daughters into the hospital thinking they were suffering from severe stomach pain or even appendicitis†¦both girls were actually in labor (Abstinence, 2002). The United States has the highest teen pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates in the Western world (Planned Parenthood, 2003). Are teens getting enough knowledge on sex and how to prevent STDs and unwanted